Thursday, September 27, 2007

After the rain - and Anniversary is on the way!

This was the sky from yesterday evening after the rain. Isn't it beautiful?

Tomorrow will be my first ANNIVERSARY with this blog,
it is already
one year old!!
O.M.G. and I thought I will not survive the first two

months....!!! :-) I was really close to giving up this
whole blogging,
because I had no visitors, or almost
no one... and then after a while
I got recognized more
and more by other bloggers and they even were
my blog is good, nice, interesting, funny..
(read all the
comments... :)

And today, this is a big satisfaction for me and a big
too, to do my blogging for another coming year
to bring every day a little piece of my little
closer to you - with my photography!

Come over tomorrow to my blog, make a comment
CELEBRATE with me!

Never ever give up your dreams - in your real life too!!


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