Friday, September 7, 2007

A colorful award

By now it is three days ago since I got this pretty award form a excellent photographer colleague, Kathy Libby at “Photography by KML”.

Kathy is specialized in landscapes and nature photos. Visit please her blog and her very tasteful made website too and you will be amazed by her stunning and excellent work in photography.

Thank you so much Kathy for forwarding this award to me, it is a big honor and joy for me to get this nomination from such a great photographer like you are.

play the drums please.... :

And now, I have the big pleasure to forward this award to a very special person who I met in this blogosphere and who I think, he deserve this award more then anything for his great work on his three blogs.

Rick is a storm chaser and weather guy who LOVES to be outdoor when big storms are building up on the horizon. That’s normally the moment when other people are running home as fast as they can - me too - but not HE. That’s the time, when the big FUN begins for him!

Please check out his sites:

He calls his blog “Wayfarers Journey”. You will see here outstanding and excellent nature and lightning photography - something what I wish I could do it that well too!

This blogs have the names:"Storm Chasing Teams" and “Southwest Georgia Stormtrack” and are his other interesting and exciting sites filled with a lot of weather observations, insider information and exchanges of storm experiences between other storm trackers – a lot of new stuff to learn about storms…..stuff what I didn’t knew before. Except once, long time ago, when I have seen the movie “Twister” I got a idea, what's all about storm chasers. But he is doing this in REAL life!

That’s why I want to give this award to you Rick – you really deserve it! CONGRATULATIONS!


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