Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Smile is in the Air again - and the Message on getting Awards!

Yesterday, I received this award (for the second time) from Heather D at heatherdugan.com/blog

Thank you so much Heather for honoring my blog with this award. Making people smile while they are reading - or in my case, looking at my pictures - is a good feeling and makes me smile, too.... Let's all smile together - A BIG smile is in the air!

Please visit Heathers wonderful blog "Footsteps"!

For me, I will take my time to find 5 other bloggers who deserve to get this award also. I will choose my fellow bloggers this time very carefully, since last time 3 out of 5 people didn't react at all - and that was NOT nice, NOT fun and VERY frustrating!


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