Thursday, October 11, 2007

A very special Restaurant and a MUST to visit!

Blue Heaven front view

The bar in the yard - always on Pina Colada time


Outdoor Gallery

Upstairs Balcony

The islands most quintessentially "Key West" restaurant has to be Blue Heaven. Like everything in Key West, it's got some history. The building once housed a bordello and later Hemingway refereed boxing matches there.

Located in the Bahamian neighborhood (Bahama Village), this restaurant is an absolute favorite with locals and visitors serving fine American cuisine.

During the day a few chicken and roosters roam the outdoor dining garden. By nightfall, they have moved to the trees to roost for the night while the cats come out to play.

The food is outstanding, the atmosphere funky and lively, and the experience should be memorable. Live music is gently offered by local musicians as diners enjoy the breezes caught in the shade sails.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
No reservations accepted (except for very large groups).
729 Petronia Street

Read more about here


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