Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All the benches I sat before...

A throne is only a bench covered with velvet.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Hi my friends,
Napoleon B' was a wise man too :))
Thanks for all your wonderful comments and nice compliments to my post yesterday. And because it was so nice to read your words, I stick with benches today too - to make you think, I like them so much...*smile*... and I do, really :)) I do love to photograph benches, I could fill a book with photos of benches only.

Let me know if you like these ones too, o.k...? 
oh, by the way: they were captured in pretty Charleston!
Have a nice day!
It's Calendar 2011 time!!!! You know by now WHERE to get them and HOW to get them, right???
NO...???? o.k.... have a look in the right colums on my blog >>>> YES, there!!! :))
With a purchase you'll make my day - and someone else happy too!


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