Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Distance not only gives nostalgia, but perspective, and maybe objectivity.
Robert Morgan
Hi my friends,
Thanks for liking my post from yesterday - what about this one? 
I like the quote too...

Have a wonderful day!

Yes, my new CALENDARS 2011 are available to buy - make someone happy!
Click in the links in the right column >>> yes, there  :)) you can buy them directly there.

My friends and fans in Europe: scroll down a little bit more and there you'll buy the new CALENDARS, o.k.? 
Meine Freunde in Europa kaufen meine neuen KALENDER 2011 hier: 
klicke in die Links (deutscher Text!) in der rechten Kolonne auf meinem Blog, o.k.? 
Du kannst sie direkt von dort beziehen!


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