Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mallory Square Impressions

This is my lovely husband, David, with his booth at Mallory Square, where he is selling his original Fine Art Paintings and prints of Key West scenes and tropical subjects. He is a very talented artist and his work can be found all over the world in many collections and private homes.

You can see more of his work on our website

Here you can see the big traffic that we have almost every evening and especially on weekends, like yesterday. A lot of the visitors were Jimmy Buffet's Parrotheads who had their fun weekend on the island.

And this woman looks somehow like me.... with two customers at my booth who are looking at my photographs that I sell.

If you look closer into the picture, you will see Alex (with the hat) our performer guy with his juggling act shortly before sunset. Can you see what a wonderful, dramatic sunset going on in the back of the picture?

People from all over the world are watching this spectacle at
Mallory Square.

And this is the fantastic view that I have (almost) every night at Mallory Square. I would never ever trade this place with any indoor job in the world. To be able to see mother nature's magic and to be "at work" in the same time, is priceless!


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